What is Organic Farming? 

Organic farming is an agricultural technique that employs environmentally friendly pesticides and biological fertilizers produced mostly from animal and plant wastes, as well as nitrogen-fixing cover crops. Modern organic farming was established in reaction to the environmental harm caused by conventional agriculture’s use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, and it offers significant ecological benefits. Organic farming, as compared to conventional agriculture, utilizes less pesticides, lowers soil erosion, reduces nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and recycles animal faeces back into the farm. These advantages are offset by increased consumer food costs and overall reduced yields. Indeed, yields of organic crops have been shown to be around 25% lower overall than yields of conventionally produced crops, however this can vary greatly depending on the kind. Sir Albert Howard, F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner, and others established the principles of organic agriculture in the early 1900s, believing that the use of animal manures (typically converted into compost), cover crops, crop rotation, and biologically based pest treatments resulted in a healthier agricultural system. Howard, who worked as an agricultural researcher in India, was inspired by the traditional and sustainable farming techniques he saw there and campaigned for their adoption in the West. Such approaches were supported further by numerous champions, including J.I. In the 1940s and 1950s, Rodale and his son Robert produced Organic Gardening and Farming magazine, as well as a variety of organic farming publications. The organic food market was boosted in the 1960s by the publication of Silent Spring. 

Organic farming works in harmony with nature, not against it. This goal is met by employing strategies that increase food yields without damaging the natural environment or the people who live and work in it. Organic agriculture provides a unique combination of environmentally beneficial methods that need little external inputs, contributing to greater food supply. Organic farming has a significant positive impact on birds, insects, weeds, animals, and soil flora and fauna. When compared to knowledge- and labor-intensive organic farming, conventional farming uses more manufactured inputs and energy. Organic farmers make better use of energy than conventional farmers. Organic farming, as opposed to conventional agriculture, generates more cost-effective food items that are devoid of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The interaction of living creatures with their surroundings is critical for the health of plants. Monocultures put plant health at risk, but on-farm diversity allows for a more balanced interaction between diverse plants, pests, and predators. This is why a well-managed ecosystem may be an effective strategy of controlling pest or disease populations. Because of their adaptive nature to the environment, certain crop types have more effective mechanisms than others and hence have a reduced infection risk. The health of a plant is heavily influenced by the fertility of the soil. When nutrients and pH are adequately balanced, the plant grows stronger and becomes less susceptible to illness. Climate parameters, such as optimal temperatures and an adequate water supply, are also important for a healthy plant. The plant can get stressed if one of these parameters is not met. Stress reduces plant defensive mechanisms, making them easy prey for pests and diseases. Growing varied and robust plants is thus one of the most crucial aspects for an organic farmer. This eliminates many insect and disease issues. 

The organic Food Industry

The worldwide organic food industry was worth $110.25 billion in 2016. It was forecast to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.15 percent in value terms between 2017 and 2022, reaching $ 262.85 billion by 2022. The Indian organic market is divided into four sectors: food and beverage, health and wellness, cosmetics and personal care, and textiles. The organic food market has seen the most increase, followed by textile, beauty, and personal care. The Indian organic food market is expected to develop at a CAGR of more than 23% by 2023, owing to favorable government policies promoting organic farming and increasing land area under organic agriculture. 

The Farmus is a Gurgaon-based agricultural-technology corporation created by a third-generation organic farmer family with the sole purpose of developing a full and cohesive ecosystem for farmers and customers. The Farmus community is well-versed in ancestral knowledge, current scientific research and advances, technical know-how, financial assistance, and field capabilities. So, without a question, the Farmus community is one of India’s most prestigious organic food companies, and we take great pride in providing our customers with the best, farm fresh, and organic meals available. India ranks tenth out of 178 nations in terms of active organic agriculture. It is by far the most revered, in fact the best organic farm in Gurgaon. It has the best organic vegetables, thereby producing the best organic food in the region. With its different agro-climatic zones, India produces a wide range of organic products. In India, the organic agriculture sector is divided into two management systems: Organic National Program NPOP and the Participatory Guarantee System in India. 

Beyond the math of Export and Import

In 2016, the size of the organic food market was $110.25 million and estimated to have 23 percent CAGR. Increasing use of online marketing channels is one of the best routes to expand the market. Diabetes, anxiety, stress and other health problem incidence are increasing in urban India. Organic food companies are coming up with new varieties and categories of food to attract, as well as provide a large variety of choices for the consumption/consumers. The difficulties encountered can be classified into three types namely the one experienced at the producer level, then at the processor level, and finally at the consumer level. Online food retailer such as Natural Mantra, Nature Land Organics and Organic items has attracted plenty of investors. Export of Organic products have considerably increased in India over the years. The organic food sector is thriving in India, and it needs to be recognized as a separate industry. Both the government and commercial parties must work together to create a robust policy that benefits growers, processors, and consumers. Organic farming has enormous potential and reach to expand in India if sustained investment and benefits on both existing and new ventures are provided.